A Wedding Fayre we were attending at West Midlands Safari Park on 14th February has now been rearranged to September 19th. We will still be taking our Luxury Beauty Mirror Booth along with our Selfie Wizard. All the special offers we had planned will still be available. We hope you can come see us and many more quality exhibitors.
#fellsfunbooth #fellsfotos #teamfellsfotos #covid19notstoppingmefrombeingproductive #luxurybeautymirrorbooth #weddingreception #photobooth #photobooths #photoboothwedding #photoboothhire #photoboothparty #photoboothideas #wedding #weddings #weddingday #weddingsplanning ##weddingguest #weddingvenues #weddingplanners #weddingreceptions #weddingreceptionvenues #weddingreceptionfun #weddingreceptionsetup #weddingreceptionideas #selfiewizard #selfiewizardfellsfotos #selfiephoto #selfie #selfies #selfietime
